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The day started out early as I knew my mom was an early riser and we made plans to meet for breakfast the night before. The hotel was jammed packed and it was nice to beat all the others in line for the free made to order Embassy Suites breakfast that I have become accustomed to enjoying. Although the "made to order" on this particular day would have a new meaning as the omelet cook messed up my order twice thinking that I really needed to up my dairy intake as she insisted on putting cheese on both attempts. I gave up and went for the healthier version of breakfast with a bowl of fruit.
With Pam and the girls still asleep, my mom and I decided to run to HEB and pick up some discount tickets to Seaworld. The goal was to beat the lines that we knew would be waiting to get in with the Texas Spring Break in full swing!
We returned to the hotel to find Pam and the girls finishing up their breakfast in eager anticipation of the day ahead. We soon arrived at our destination and unloaded the Tahoe to head in for the days' festivities. It had been several years since I had been to Seaworld and I was excited to see the Shamu show.
Every family member of the Fambam has their roles while on vacation. The roles are defined by their unique contributions to make our vacations better. For instance, my role is being the heavy, in other words, I am kept around in the case of a raucous breaking out and I need to flex-up to fist-to-cuffs and maintain law and order. Luckily, I have not had to reestablish the peace.
Little D has the role of figuring out cool and interesting places to visit prior to our departure which has led us to some unique adventures that normally would not have been sought out. AK is the family chauffeur delivering us safely from one location to another which is easier to do when I am riding in the far back.
Not only is Pam the Supreme Ruler of the Fambam, but she also is in charge of our daily schedule to keep us on time, well fed and make sure that the grumpies be kept at bay. Pam has a proven successful record with her role as she recently successfully navigated the Fambam through Disney World during the busiest time of the year. No one starved, no major inter family fights broke out and Pam took complete control of the Disney App to ensure the Fambam would be able to maximize the visit to the most magical place on earth.
With this in mind, I happily handed over the Seaworld map to Pam so she could assume her responsibilities! Pam quickly determined that our first stop would be the beluga whale and dolphin show. We arrived early to make sure we got seats.
While we were waiting, Little D noticed that the Steele Eel roller coaster weas close by and wondered out loud if the line would be short. AK acted like she was having a deep texting conversation with a friend, Pam quickly pointed out she was going to get in line for a cup of coffee and Grandma looked at Little D like she was crazy for even considering her to go on the ride. I was too slow to realize what D was actually saying. My slow wit got me a frontrow seat next to Little D to experience to the terror that lurked before me.
Little D figured out that we still had plenty of time before the show started to make another go for the ride. She batted her baby blue eyes at me and I soon realized after three trips on the coaster that I was actually lucky the Embassy Suites " made to order" breakfast mess up worked in my favor as it would have ended up spread out across Seaworld!

Every family member of the Fambam has their roles while on vacation. The roles are defined by their unique contributions to make our vacations better. For instance, my role is being the heavy, in other words, I am kept around in the case of a raucous breaking out and I need to flex-up to fist-to-cuffs and maintain law and order. Luckily, I have not had to reestablish the peace.
Little D has the role of figuring out cool and interesting places to visit prior to our departure which has led us to some unique adventures that normally would not have been sought out. AK is the family chauffeur delivering us safely from one location to another which is easier to do when I am riding in the far back.
Not only is Pam the Supreme Ruler of the Fambam, but she also is in charge of our daily schedule to keep us on time, well fed and make sure that the grumpies be kept at bay. Pam has a proven successful record with her role as she recently successfully navigated the Fambam through Disney World during the busiest time of the year. No one starved, no major inter family fights broke out and Pam took complete control of the Disney App to ensure the Fambam would be able to maximize the visit to the most magical place on earth.
With this in mind, I happily handed over the Seaworld map to Pam so she could assume her responsibilities! Pam quickly determined that our first stop would be the beluga whale and dolphin show. We arrived early to make sure we got seats.
While we were waiting, Little D noticed that the Steele Eel roller coaster weas close by and wondered out loud if the line would be short. AK acted like she was having a deep texting conversation with a friend, Pam quickly pointed out she was going to get in line for a cup of coffee and Grandma looked at Little D like she was crazy for even considering her to go on the ride. I was too slow to realize what D was actually saying. My slow wit got me a frontrow seat next to Little D to experience to the terror that lurked before me.
Little D figured out that we still had plenty of time before the show started to make another go for the ride. She batted her baby blue eyes at me and I soon realized after three trips on the coaster that I was actually lucky the Embassy Suites " made to order" breakfast mess up worked in my favor as it would have ended up spread out across Seaworld!

Dazed and confused we stumbled back to our seats to catch the first show of the day with the rest of the Fambam. Everyone enjoyed the show and were ready for more fun. We soon found ourselves in Little D's favorite spot when she was younger, the Penguin House. She wanted to go on the moving walkway that moves you past the penguin exhibit over-and-over again. One of Pam and my all-time favorite photos of Little D came from this very spot when she was a small tike.
The next stop was the Shamu Killer Whale show. I honestly felt disappointed with the show. The trainers no longer get in the water and interact with the whales. I used to enjoy watching the trainers swim with them. The show was still okay, just not nearly as cool as it used be in my opinion.
AK wanted to visit the aquarium, and Little D had her sights set on the Great White roller coaster. Pam deemed that I go with Little D and she and Grandma accompany AK since my equilibrium was already jacked up. It was tough to argue with Pam's logic, so off we went.
What I didn't realize was the Great White roller coaster is one where you are sitting in a chair, and your feet are dangling.
Dangling feet meant bad news for me as loopy-loops, and twisty turns were in my immediate future. Litte D couldn't have been more pleased with the fact that once again, there was almost no line. We boarded the dreaded ride and off we went. I closed my eyes and screamed the entire way in hopes that Little D would be embarrassed by my tactics and not want to go again.
My plan was foiled as the coaster stopped and Little D smiled at me and quietly said "Again?" It was hard to say no to my youngest who doesn't ask for much and off we went for more terror. The popcorn Grandma provided at the Shamu show was not sitting well, and I knew I had all that I could take for the day.
Little D understood by the green color on my face that she was pressing her luck on the Great White. Being the thinker Little D is, she counter-offered with one more ride on the Steel Eel. I agreed as long as I didn't have to ride any more loopy-loops. Plus, my hope was the Steele Eel line would be too long, and we would forgo it all together. The roller coaster gods were not on my side as we walked right up to the ride. Little D suggested we go on the back of the coaster and I knew we were in for trouble.
Locked-and-loaded in the Steel Eel, Little D was smiling from ear-to-ear knowing we were on the scariest part of the coaster. What Little D wasn't expecting was the fast reaction and the feeling of the coaster jumping the track the back of the coaster provides. For once I was not screaming the loudest, and Little D understands what the color of green face feels like in your belly. Interestingly enough she didn't bat her baby blues at me and ask to go again. Instead, she suggested we meet up with the rest of the Fambam for the last show of the day with the seals. I merely smiled and told her that I felt that was a fantastic suggestion!
We met up with the nonriders at the show. The Seal show was a Fambam favorite as it is funny and unreal what they get the animals to do. Besides, it's hard not to like a show where they ask all the educators to stand up and take a hand for all our hard work. I honestly have never had the happen in my life! Accolades for being a teacher are few and far between.
After the show, it was apparent the Fambam was tired and ready for some real food and not the carnival food we had been putting down all day. Pam had been planning for some time to take the Fambam to a place called Big Lou's Pizza. She had been there before for work and knew it was a place she could feed her hungry brood!
The line at Big Lou's was long and the longer we waited, the more prominent our order became. We finally got our table and ordered a 16' sausage and black olives and a 14' pepperoni with 25 hot wings and sodas all the way around.
While we were waiting to eat our fill, I introduced AK to a drink I coined as the "Double Chugger". It consists of one root beer and one orange soda that is consumed at the same time. AK enjoyed her Double Chugger as much as we all enjoyed our Big Lou's!
Little D's appetite did not disappoint as she tore up the hot wings and dove right into her pizza. Grandma thought we might have over ordered and the girls would have leftovers for breakfast. She must have forgotten that everything is bigger in Texas. That includes the pizza at Big Lou's and the Texas Fambam appetite that goes with it.
When all was said and done, we only had a slice of pizza left and a few chicken wings. Besides the ranch dressing on my shirt, the rest of the table had nothing other than some empty styrofoam soda cups, a few pizza crusts and bare chicken bones stacked as high as the ceiling.
With Grandma being impressed with our Texas-sized appetite and ability to eat it was soon time to retire back to the hotel as we would be returning to Midland for the rest of Grandma's stay in Texas.
Our hope is Grandma will return to Colorado and tell the family of her adventures and fun with the Texas Fambam. Perhaps they may desire to come for a visit to see the pure beauty of Texas and discover for themselves that everything really is bigger in Texas. Plus, AK and Little D would love to have them come to their turf for a change.
After many miles in the Tahoe driven by AK with me not navigating from the third row seat, two out of five mission visited, one trip to the grotto, AK eating king crab, Little D taking me on seven high-speed roller coasters, several great shows at Seaworld and exposing Grandma to the "Run-and-Gun Offense" Texas Fambam style, Pam declared the Spring Break trip to San Antonio officially over.
With all the votes tallied, AK won the award for the Road Warrior with getting us to and from San Antonio safely. Although, the same cannot be said for the Tahoe. But, that is a tale for another day. Little D gets the award for Healthiest Appetite as she took down two consecutive kids meals at Joe's in one sitting and looking Big Lou in the eyes and telling him to "Bring it on!" I continued my streak for winning the Grumpiest Member of the Fambam for being banished to the third-row seat of the Tahoe. Pam continues her reign as the Supreme Ruler of the Fambam for her stellar planning and making sure no one went hungry, got lost or made any dumb decisions. As for Grandma, she was the ultimate trooper with our fast-paced vacation style and officially became a full-fledged member of the Texas Fambam and is welcome back at any time!