It was raining and much cooler out than the previous two days so getting on the "T" was a welcome sight. We rode out to the JFK Presidential Library to find it completely packed. We guessed a lot of people came for Memorial Day. We soon found out it was to celebrate JFK's 100 Birthday! What a great day to be at the museum. Not only was it free in honor of the big day, but news cameras and celebrations were going on everywhere!
The exhibits were packed, and the halls were filled with people elbowing and jockeying for position. Usually, this would drive me crazy as I hate being stuck in crowds. But, not today. Today was dedicated to learning more about one of my favorite Presidents.
Pam and I spent several hours looking at each exhibit in awe of all the great information presented before our eyes. It was sad we never got to see JFK live to be able to serve two terms.
My favorite exhibit was by far his personal collection they had on display to celebrate his 100 birthday. The museum displayed everything from his report cards to his famous sunglasses! Pam concurred as she liked seeing the private pictures of JFK and Jackie with their kids.
After getting our fill of the birthday party, we hopped back on the "T" and went to Faneuil Hall for a quick bite to eat. They have a ton of food vendors from all over Boston, and we wanted to try our luck with a few of them. Pam set her eyes on a bagel with cream cheese while I opted for a slice of pizza and a cup of clam "chowda" Pam loved her bagel and I was digging my pizza, but not very excited about my"chowda". It seemed very simple and lacked taste which was a total bummer!
I gave the clam "chowda a rating of 2 canned soups out of five. The pizza, on the other hand, received a reputable 4.2 pepperonis of out five. Pam was too busy getting after her bagel to give me a rating. But by the look in her eyes and the cream cheese dripping from her face, I would rank it at a 4.6!
We walked back to the hotel and relaxed for awhile before the final evening festivities which would include a visit with my cousin Erin who has recently moved to Boston. Erin suggested a local pub called the Bell in Hand. It has had the same name and location since it opened in 1795.
The local ale was terrific and the company was even better. It was great catching up with Erin and hearing all the amazing things she is doing. After a long evening, we hopped on the subway for our last ride on the "T" for the trip to get some rest as Day Five would be traveling home.
Day five started at the ridiculous time of 2:30 AM Texas time. We had to grab some quick showers and catch our Uber to the airport. The Uber ride was fast and cheap and Sam the driver, not to be confused with Brett's all-time favorite baseball player, Sam "Mayday" Malone told us tales of Boston and played the role of our tour guide on the way.
Check-in and security was a breeze, and so were the two fights home. We were tired but excited to see our girls.
After one really good cup of clam "chowda" and one really average cup, a bucket list item of seeing Fenway Park and the Green "Monsta", learning how the "T" system worked, hiking the Freedom Trail, hanging with Normie, seeing amazing sights that started the birth of our great nation, an enjoyable visit with a family member and logging 35 miles on Pam's Fitbit, we declared the trip to Boston complete so we can rest up. Join me as we soon head out to San Francisco for more adventures and memories to share!
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