Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Desparrois First Ever RV Camping Trip: Day Two

The day started off with Pam and I getting up and heading down for the delicious free Embassy Suites breakfast. The girls are not big breakfast eaters, so we opted to let them sleep in while we relaxed with our morning coffee and prepared for the day. 

Pam was a little more nervous than most mornings as she was not fully in control of what could happen in the next few hours as we embarked upon our first RV experience. Since Pam booked the trip and surprised me on Father's Day with it, she was fully responsible for us having a great time! Forget the small fact that we would be living in a metal box in the sweltering heat and humidity of Texas--she was determined the Desparrois' were going to enjoy camping!

Pam's nerves were not getting any better as went drove to the worst neighborhood in San Antonio to pick up the RV. We soon saw our Deluxe Standard Twenty-Five Footer pull up, and the girls anticipation was shared with smiles and screeches of delight. We learned the ins-and-outs of how to use the dumper, shower, propane stove and most importantly--the AC. We felt comfortable enough to load up and head to Guadalupe River State Park. We arrived at our new wooded home and set up camp!

The park was great, and we sent the girls out on a scouting trip to survey the land. My thinking was simple, if there was any wild animals it was better the girls take one for the team rather than myself. After all...this trip was my Father's Day present. While the girls were hiking Pam sustained the first injury of the trip. She slammed the all-important "FU" finger in the door. Now most people don't know this about Pam, but she could possibly be the toughest person alive when it comes to pain. For instance, she opted to go without any type of painkillers when the girls were born and AK came out sideways. If you have ever seen AK's feet you would understand how tough a task that was!!! If my finger got slammed in the door and it crushed the nail and caused a blood blister on the other side, I would have officially declared the vacation over and went to the ER for instant sympathy and good painkillers. But not my Pam, she smiled and laughed it off as a part of roughing it in the great outdoors. Besides, she was quite pleased to be able to display her new and improved "FU" finger off. I should know, I got to view it several times!

We decided to head down to the river and were blown away by how beautiful it was. AK stripped down and headed into the water as fast as she could. Little D followed her big sister, and they soon found relief and comfort from the heat and humidity. Pam and I jumped in and cooled off in the refreshing water. Pam was feeling pretty good about herself as I told her she couldn't have picked a better place to camp with the beauty around us. She smiled and said she picked the closest place so I wouldn't have to drive the RV very far!

AK and Little D went up and down the river numerous times. They even found a massive rock to jump off of. The river had plenty of people cooling off and enjoying the refreshing waters. As much as other people were enjoying it, I'm pretty sure our girls liked more than most. They have never really been river swimming, and we were extremely pleased that Little D was able to over come her fear of fish in the water!

After a long refreshing swim, we went back to camp to get some much needed camp food. I made AK in charge of the grill while Little D helped Pam prepare the vegetables. AK did amazing grilling up some burgers, hot dogs and sausage. We ate like kings as the sun went down and the Texas hill country slowly went into a slumber

We got situated in the RV for the night. It was still rather warm even though the AC was on high all day. We were hoping it would cool down as the night wore on. That's when we soon realized the RV has two temperatures. One is, the "Sweat-of-a-Steamy Sauna" and the other being "Freeze-Your-Ass-Off Cold". It turns out there is no happy medium or in between. We were able survive the night with some rest and Pam was able to put her new and improved "FU" finger to good use as she saluted the RV's AC several times during the night.

The girls slept on the top loft and Little D was loving every moment of it.  AK seemed to have a tougher time adjusting as a loud thumping noise would be heard every couple of minutes. This was AK constantly rediscovering the low ceiling with her head!

We survived and enjoyed day one of our camping adventure as we looked forward to day two As Little D learns to overcome her fear of showering with spiders in the community restrooms.

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