Day 3 started out with Tony once again being grumpy. This proved to be a recurring theme over that last couple of days. It was strange, because every few hours he would turn into a grumpy little kid. I was having a hard time understanding the source of his grumpiness so I decided to try and put the pieces together and do a little detective work to discover the roots of the problem.
With grumpy Tony in tow, we decided to forgo the complimentary breakfast of runny fake eggs and what looked like green sausage links. Nope, today we were going to treat ourselves to a hearty breakfast to get ready for another day filled with spring baseball.
Having no idea where we were, I punched in breakfast options to my old pal Delores and she immediately took us to Ihop. We were seated quickly and I had a hard time deciding over all the menu items. I decided on an omelet with a side of flapjacks. Tony, being the hearty eater he is picked the lumber jack sized portion of the flapjacks.
The food arrived quickly and we were soon chowing down on our grub. That's when I noticed something about Tony. All of a sudden he was becoming much happier and pleasant to be around! Food eating Tony, equals happy Tony. The simple answer to the grumpy Tony equation is food. When grumpy, just insert food and all is well for the next few hours! On a scale of 1-5, we gave Ihop a 3 1/2 flapjacks!
On the way back from breakfast we needed to stop and get some supplies for the big tailgating experience later on. Tony and I have been on many of tailgating adventures in the past. In fact we made tailgating cool at the old Denver Zephyrs games back in the day. If anyone new the finer points of tailgating it was us! We had discovered that tailgating parties going on in each of the parks we visited. We knew that we wanted to partake in this adventure so we made plans to do so when we attended the Cubs game.
After a quick trip to the store we headed back to the hotel to kill a few hours and prepare our plans for the tailgate party. After showers, watching a movie and a brief flapjack induced coma by Tony it was time to venture out.
We left early to secure a prime tailgating option. We bypassed the $10 dollar close up to the stadium lot and opted for the $5 cheaper have to walk further to the stadium option. The reasoning was simple. Tailgaters in the more expensive lot are often times more sophisticated than me and my friend. They like wine served with cheese and crackers. We like cold beer served with pretzels, and meat that is cooked on a grill.
Our parking lot selection didn't disappoint as well pulled up and saw folks much like us hanging out and enjoying a good time before the game. We sat back enjoyed ourselves and reminisced about tailgates from the past. As we drank the last of what was left in our cheap Styrofoam cooler, and Tony stuffed his face with the last of the pretzels, we headed off on the long walk to Sloan Park home to the Cubs.
Sloan Park was opened last year and it quickly got a thumbs up as our favorite park to visit on the trip. It truly is a baseball gem tucked away in Mesa, Arizona. If you have the means to visit, and I hope you do. I highly suggest you make it a priority to visit and watch a game at least once in you life to experience what it's like to be surrounded by Cubs fans who believe that once again, "This is their year!"
We marched through the gates with the other 14,000 plus fans in eager anticipation of hoping to see the Cubs pull off their first victory of the the spring. While walking in we saw that Fergie Jenkins was in attendance signing autographs. I told Tony that I needed to get a picture of him. I walked by an took a quick snap so I could send it to my dad. I knew he would appreciate a shot of one of his favorites from back in the day.

While I was taking the picture Tony made a discovery that got him as excited as a kid in a candy store. His findings made me as equally excited as he presented me with an Old Style beer! I can't think of a better way of starting off a Cubs game than drinking an Old Style and hanging out with your buddy. We walked around the park and scored some prime viewing location in the shade standing up against a counter behind home plate. This location was opened up for anyone to be at. We decided to stay there the whole game the location was so nice.
The Cubs didn't play well enough to secure the win and Tony didn't get his first ever foul ball. But a great time was had by all and it was time to head back to the hotel for some rest and relaxation before dinner.
As Tony slept, I decided to call Pam and check in on her. This trip would not have been possible with out the support of our beautiful and loving wives, Pam and Lori! Pam took the girls to Lubbock where Avery Kate played in a two day volleyball tournament, and Delaney played in a two day soccer tournament. She shuffled girls around the whole weekend so I could have a fun trip with an old buddy! Tony and Lori have three little ones at home, and I know that he equally appreciated Lori letting him tag along for the fun!
For dinner we headed to a place called Oregano's. They make a Chicago style pizza that came highly recommend by my nephew and finer food connoisseur Garrett. If ever in doubt about a good hearty place to eat, just ask Garrett. The boy knows his way around a pizza. Oregano's and Garrett's recommendation didn't disappoint as the pizza and the atmosphere were spot on. As Tony said on the way out the door "Nothing like, good food, good people and good times!" On a scale of 1-5 it got a rating of 4 1/2 pizza slices!
We headed back to the hotel to get a few hours rest as we needed to be up at 4:00 in the morning to catch our early flights. The alarm came fast and we quickly got ready and headed out the door. While driving to the airport we got stopped by a train. The train was at a stand still and was not moving. Tony realizing that he might miss his flight did some quick thinking and showed some amazing driving skills to get us out of the predicament and back on schedule.
Getting through the airport was quick and easy and we found ourselves at that awkward male moment of saying good bye. Do we hug it out, shake hands, fist bump or just simply say see ya? After a quick fist bump and see a see you later Holmes and we were on our separate ways back to our own states!
After three major league games, one college game, seeing long last pal Scott, a pile of chicken wing carcasses, several malted beverages, a few nachos, one tailgating party, an incredible pizza eating experience and one hell of a good time, we declared spring training 2015 wrapped up. Next year Scott has promised to meet us again and will tag along for the game and tailgating. To make an improvement to next years trip we have invited Brett along as well. After all, this years adventure was fun, but with Brett leading the pack anything is possible!
I leave you with my last but favorite picture of the trip. It's a shot of Tony while he is telling my a tale of long ago when he took Brett deep playing Wiffle ball at old Flood stadium back in the day!
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