I have been looking forward to this trip for a long time as I had not seen my parents since late August. I will admit that this trip has not come along with its usual preparation and planning. Work has been busy and Pam and I have both had to travel a bit in the last two months, which means not a great deal of planning time was available. Therefor, I deem this trip the Desparrois Family Christmas on the Fly!
The day started out early as we had a long road ahead and a short time to get there. Heading up to Colorado usually means putting the hurry up offense into full gear and getting to Papa and Grandma's house in record time. This trip would be a little different as we had planned a special small extra curricular activity on the way. We were fortunate because the roads were not crowded, and the skies were clear for an easy passage way to our destination full of Desparrois family fun and crazy antics!
The ride was great as we were making amazing time cruising through the flat lands of Texas. The girls and Pam were snoozing and I was listening to Christmas tunes. We did have one hiccup on the road when Little D had accidentally kicked Jingle, our Elf on the Shelf off of his perch. This caused some mild irritation as Little D was worried that Jingle might lose his elf powers. You see, Little D became the foster kid for Jingle when her all-time favorite kindergarten teacher, Dana Terrebessy decided that we might make a nice family for him!
Little D knew that Mrs. Terrebessy had strict rules that would make the little jolly fellow lose his powers such as touching him. Little D was especially worried because he fell on the floor of the car, and she might step on him and crush him. Pam, gunning for the Mother of the Year and only having a few days left to do so, quickly jumped into action and carefully picked Jingle up with a tissue so not to touch and safely put him in a place not to be bothered the rest of the way. Little D was happy, and Pam was proud knowing that she continued to to score more points for the big award!
We made it to colorful Colorado and headed straight to our destination of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Pam and I decided that we need to make this special stop for Little D. In the past year she has shown a really strong interest in being in the Air Force and becoming a pilot. When I told her about the Air Force Academy she was sold on wanting to go. She was even more excited to learn that it is in Colorado and that they have a soccer program!
We toured the chapel and went into the visitors center. The chapel alone is a reason for visiting. It is beautiful and amazing all at the same time!
Pam decided the girls could pick out some Air Force garb so we went into the gift store and were happy to see that Star Wars truly is everywhere right now! This picture goes out to Rigo who has now probably seen the movie at least nine times!
After the visit, it was time to hit the road and head up to my parents house. Luckily it is only a quick trip and were were there in no time. The girls were excited to see their Papa and Grandma and Pam and I were happy to be away from the driving!
After visiting for a while we went out to eat and relaxed back at the house in eager anticipation of more family fun and good times!
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