The workout on the Elliptical was good other than I found the lack of oxygen as a result of the high altitude a little difficult to deal with. I will say that the recreation center is very nice but rather oddly designed. It has a massive pool equipped with a built in two story water slide, a lazy river, and a massive hot tube that can host an entire college fraternity party. It also contains a huge full size gym. However, it totally lacks any space for the workout equipment. It's as if the designers of the rec center forgot that people might want to workout. They solved this little oversight by putting the equipment out in the hall, which to me felt a tad strange.
After the workout it was time to get home and get prepared for the family outing to see Star Wars. Little D and I have already seen it, but we were equally excited to be going with Pam, AK, Papa and Grandma who had yet to see what Little D is claiming to "be the best Star Wars yet!"
Before the movie we decided that we needed to eat a little lunch and nothing gets you more prepared to see Han Solo take on the First Order like a few Chicken Nuggets from Chick-fil-a. At lunch it was determined that we would all take on different Star War Identities for the viewing of the film. Little D declared quickly that she should be Rey. We all knew that nobody would fit the role of a wookie better than AK as she took on the new role of Chewbacca. Grandma got the nod as General Leia and it was a no brainer that Papa would be Yoda since he had a cane. I got the nod as Han Solo since he is awesome and Pam...Well that's kind of different. Little D and I decided that we couldn't leave out C3PO, and against her protest she was branded to be the golden skinny droid!
Once we arrived at the movie, Pam told the girls that it would be wise to use the restroom before we went in so they could enjoy the show uninterrupted. As soon as Little D came out she would have made Rigo proud as she announced publicly for all to hear that she made a Chewbacca noise while using the restroom!
It goes without saying that everyone enjoyed the movie as much as Little D and I did the first time we saw it. Star Wars has made a profound affect on Little D. In fact, she told me that when she is by herself she sometimes tries to use the force to pick up items. When asked if she has been successful, her response was that she is still in training!
The evening plans were to bring a split in the family. Pam and the girls were going to meet up with Aunt Susan and her kids while Uncle Jeffy and I went to our high school wrestling reunion party at the Varsity INN. I was happy that I decided to go with Jeff as parties and social gatherings are not my thing. It was great seeing some good folks that I have not seen or talked with since I graduated high school many years ago!
I enjoyed being able to visit with both Coach Sisler and Coach King. They have been longtime fixtures in the AHS program as they coached me in the little kid program all the way through my senior year. I also enjoyed a very lengthy conversation with an old friend, Marc. What an amazing time catching up and finding out about all the similarities that we have shared throughout this journey in life.
It was soon time to head out as Uncle Jeffy is old and needs to get his rest since he was scheduled to work early in the morning. Pam and the girls were still over at Uncle Jeffie's house, so I went in to see Aunt Susan, Teagy and Tally. The kids were having a great time hanging out and causing a ruckas all at the same time!
The girls were excited to see Unlce Jeffy, as that usually means the jungle gym is open for playtime.
After a lot of fun and good times it was time for us to head back to Papa and Grandma's and declare day two officially in books as we waited in eager anticipation for Day Three which brings more hope, fun, excitement and family as we enter Christmas Eve!
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