Pam and I limped out of bed, exhausted but also excited about what was to come. In my humble opinion, Christmas morning is the best reason in the world to have kids! I love watching my girls face light up with glee as they unwrap gifts with love and excitement in their eyes. There is something special about the holiday that puts everyone in a great mood.
The girls got busy tearing up paper around their gift, while Pam and I watched with happiness in our hearts. The girls got some loot for shopping with Grandma and all kinds of other girly items. Little D was psyched to get a back scratcher and AK could hardly believe that she received makeup and a new phone case. Hands down I received the greatest gift of all from my beautiful and equally talented wife, Pam! She surpassed last years surprise trip to Las Vegas with two tickets to the Broncos Monday night football game! I was absolutely floored. I have not been to a Broncos game since we lived in Colorado over seventeen years ago! Pam definitely won the award for best gift given this Christmas!
Papa and Grandma enjoyed their gift exchange as much as the kids! Grandma walked away with a new purse and Papa received a new leather coat. He quickly declared it made him look like the Fonz. We all agreed with the new look he was sporting!
We sat around and relaxed and awaited the arrival of the rest of the family to come over for dinner. Everyone was excited to have yet another feast since we obviously did not enough enough the day before.
This dinner was going to be a little more special since Pam won a major award this year and received a massive honey baked ham for her efforts. It turns out that a couple of weeks ago Pam got a letter in the mail announcing that she was in the top 100 customers of Jumburrito for the year. Pam's award for efforts of eating many breakfast burritos was a Christmas ham for all to dine on! Good work on this past year Pam, and good luck on this coming year. We are all cheering you on. I have no doubts with a little effort you can win it again for the coming year!
Needless to say the ham was amazing and very good to eat. Everyone went back for seconds including cousin Garrett whose tum-tum was starting to feel better, but not good enough to be declared the winner for the most eaten. That honor went to Aunt Susan who kept trucking on well past everyone else. In fact, when asked if I could take her plate to be cleaned she growled like a savage dog and snapped at my hand! Well done Aunt Susan, we are all proud of you for your first big win and surpassing Uncle Jeffy and Cousin Garrett which is no easy to feat to do!
After dinner the kids continued to run and around and enjoy each other since it is not very often they are all together. Jingle the elf continued his shenanigans from the night before and kept the kids entertained at a high level. Like all good things that night came to end with everyone saying their good bye.
We soon went to bed to try to catch up on sleep and prepare ourselves for a day of fun and a wild rumor that we would get to head out to see Tony and Lori the next day!
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