Day Four:
I was up before the sun and ready to take on another run. It got a little easier, but I will be honest and tell you that I didn't look like Olympian. With my run down, my dad decided that we needed to go eat breakfast at a place called Great Beginnings. We met up with my sister Katie, her husband Tom and my nephew Garrett.
We had fun talking about the game and sharing other family stories. The food was great and we headed out to run some more errands and grab some supplies. Most of the day was spent doing chores and waiting for the Cubs game to start. It finally got postponed do to weather.
We went to an early 4:00 mass followed by dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in Littleton. Romano's Italian. If you live in Denver and you haven't tried it, you need to drop everything and go. Eating at Romanos is not a maybe, it is a must! It is far and beyond the best Italian food that I have ever had. On a scale of five meatballs, my dad once again has given it a rare, but well deserved five meatballs happily polished off!
After dinner it was off to buy Garrett a graduation gift. Pam and I decided that we were going to get him a tool chest and a few tools. I found the one I was looking for and we loaded up.
On the way home we were close to my brother Jeff's house. I was going to go to his son Teag's soccer game earlier in the day, but it got rained out. I had not seen them yet, so we decided to make a quick visit. The kids were winding down for the night and getting ready for bed. So being the good uncle that I am, I wound them up like a clock so bed time would be extra fun for Jeff and Susan! We wrestled around and they enjoyed shooting me with there Nerf gun. Just at the peak or their excitement it was time to leave Jeff and Susan with some rowdy kids!
We had one more stop at the store and headed back to my parents house. It was nice to be home early and I found myself ready for bed. I called Pam and the girls to catch up on their day and hit the hay. I needed all the energy I could get to be prepared for my last day at my parents house!
Day Five:
This is the last day at my parents house. It will be sad to leave as it has been a very nice visit with them. My mom decided that she needed to send her baby boy off right so she made a mean breakfast of scrambled eggs, Italian sausage, peppers and french bread. It was the perfect feast to send her favorite of four kids out int the world. On a scale of 1-5, I gave it the never have been achieved score of ten! Partly because it was that good, and partly because my mom carried me in her belly for nine and a half months. And let's be perfectly honest, it's not like I was the easiest kid to raise!
Since it was a cold and rainy day, we watched the Cubs game on TV and enjoyed our afternoon. I prepared a few items to take over to Garrett's 18 birthday bash. I can't believe that he is turning 18. I remember the day he was born. It was much like today, cold and rainy!
The birthday party was great as the whole family was there. We enjoyed food and stories from when we were kids. Jeff seemed to be the target of all the stories, which was fine be me. We did have one more event and that was a prank Avery Kate and I had been planning on the whole family for a long time.
We decided that we would get everyone in my family a Texas shirt and take a picture of them. The trick is getting them all to wear it for a picture. So we decided that we would tell them that it was for a class project. Since my mom is the head of the family, AK asked her to make everyone put the shirt on for her project. My mom agreed to help AK out! So, at dinner my mom announced AK's project to everyone and told them they would be putting on a Texas shirt. After they got their shirts on a took a picture and played a video from AK that they all got pranked!
It was a prank well deserved for all the fun they make of Texas. It was also nice to get some revenge. After all being the youngest in a family of four is no picnic!
With the party wrapped up it was time for Denny to take me to my hotel. After five days, one Rockies game, finding out the Garrett's new name is Cupcake, several amazing meals, time spent with some good friends, one almost broken hand and shattered dream for Tony all in one instant. getting to see the coolest Flood, and loving that I got to spend lots of quality time with my parents; I leave you with my favorite picture of the trip!
Day Three:
Day three started out with another early start and visit with my mom. I was sore from the workout the day before so I decided to loosen up by going for another run. The weather was beautiful and I found myself enjoying the spring day with the exception of still having a serious lack of oxygen when I ran. My heart and lungs long for the oxygen rich flat lands of good old Midland!
With my run and abs workout completed it was time to get to work and get some errands completed for my folks around the house. A while back my Uncle Willy was in town and installed a new toilet. The old one had a small leak, and the leak stained the drop down ceiling in the basement. My mom needed this fixed so we were off to the Home Depot to get the proper supplies and materials. We found what we needed and were heading out the door when my mom made the suggestion that we stop and get a breakfast burrito at a place called the Tamale Kitchen. Having been there before, and knowing what I was about to have, I nodded in agreement!
Needless to say, I love the Tamale Kitchen! The Mexican food is exceptional and they don't skimp on the servings. I decided on a breakfast burrito and two tamales smothered in green chili. Green chili is what separates good Mexican food and poor Mexican food for me. It's hard to find in Midland, but is everywhere you go in Colorado. I polished off the food and on a scale of 1-5, it scored a near perfect four and a half green chili's eaten!
I took down the ceiling tiles and measured and cut the new ones. projects like this are usually easier than they look. Strangely enough I had no issues and they all went in with ease. I took some before and after pictures for a job well done to make Uncle Willy proud!
No trip to Colorado is complete without attending some sort of sports event. Since the Rockies were in town I was able to score us some pretty sweet tickets behind the third base dugout. Both my brothers, Jeff and Denny were able to attend, as well as my nephew Garrett and my good Buddy Tony. We decided to all meet at sports bar downtown by the name of Maloney's Tavern.
Denny had a tough time escaping from work for the pregame, but everyone else was able to make it. Jeff sat down and order up some beers and appetizers. The bartender asked Garrett if he would like one as well. Garrett will turn 18 tomorrow, so he is just a few years shy of the drinking age. Jeff made it clear that he would not be drinking. The barkeep smiled at Garrett and told him that she would take care of him. She set him up with a soda water with extra cherry's and made sure that it never went empty. She flirted with him the whole time we were there and even gave him a new nickname, Cupcake. Personally I think it's a fit and a name that I will be sure to use.
With the game nearing, we finished up our food and headed to the game to meet up with Denny. The walk was not far and the weather was quite pleasant for an April evening game in Colorado. I have always liked to visit Coors Field. It is a beautiful ballpark located in downtown. The Rockies hit the mark when they made this park. It has already been here twenty years and I'm sure it will there for many more to come.
No trip to the Rockies is complete without a visit to see Kevin Flood. Kevin is a great guy and now has 16 years of service in with the Rockies. He has the type of job most baseball fans dream of. We stopped in to see Keven for a few minutes and catch up with him. It was great to see Kevin, who Tony has coined as the coolest Flood we know!
We found our seats and settled in for the usual high scoring event that happens in the high altitude of Denver. Tony was once again sitting by me and I knew that he was still in quest of his first ever foul ball. I was going to be on extra alert to see if I might just be able to help the guy out. After all he is only a couple weeks shy of turning 40! The guy needs his life long dream to come true soon!
We enjoyed watching the game and swapping stories of times past. When all of a sudden my brother Denny yelled "That's at us!" I looked up and saw a screeching line drive heading right at us. My reaction was to try and bare hand it. I knew right at that moment I had the chance to get Tony the perfect 40th birthday gift. I stuck up my hand and heard a loud smack as the screeching ball hit the heel of my palm. The ball was hit so hard that after it hit my hand it continued on to another section of seats over.
The barrage of insults from my brothers and friends started instantly on how I didn't have the ball. Nobody seemed too concerned if I has hurt. As my hand pounded with pain, the guys continued to laugh at me and Tony pouted knowing that his dream was once again so close, yet so far away. The usher, who was a young girl of maybe twenty came down to check on me. This only made the problem worse as Tony and Denny egged her on and told her that we needed free beers to take away the pain! The funny thing was that not one of them made a half attempt to get the ball. In fact, I'm pretty sure they went diving to get out of the way of the ball.
With my pride hurt and my hand hurting even more, the game ended and it was time to get Cupcake and head home to prepare for another fun day tomorrow!
Day Two!
The day started off early for being on vacation. My mom gets up early and I like to get up and visit with her. The plan for the day was to go do some gambling in Blackhawk later in the morning. We had to wait for my dad to get ready, so I decided that I would go for a run around their neighborhood.
I have not been very good about running lately, but I knew I was going to be eating some great food while I was in Denver. Running at my parents house is much more difficult than running back in Midland. My knees prefer the flat land of Midland compared to the rolling hills in Colorado. Oxygen seems to be in abundance in Midland, where Colorado considerably lacks what your body needs most to survive!
With each addition step on my run, my knees ached, and my heart pounded begging to take its last beat from lack of oxygen! The mile felt like ten and I was ready for it to be done. After the run I did a abs workout and retired to take a long hot shower.
We headed up to Blackhawk for a fun day of money risk management. As you know from past adventures I like to gamble from time-to-time. I get this bug from my parents who have also been known to partake in a game of chance or two. The drive up was beautiful as always. There is lots of snow melt, which made waterfalls throughout the foothills and absolutely spectacular sight to see.
When we arrived we decided that we were hungry so we went to the Saratoga Cafe. This is a favorite for my parents as they often get comps for it and the food is good eating. I love this place because as a chili consumer, I can honestly say that they have the hands down best I have ever had. Our meal was great! On a scale of 1-5, my dad gave it the rare but well deserved score of five crackers to dip in the delicious meal!
After getting our grub on it was time to get down to the reason we were there! On our way out of the restaurant we noticed several emergency vehicles. I told my dad that I was going to check out what was going on and I would meet him at the tables. When I went outside I asked a guy on the street if he knew what happened. He said he didn't, but maybe whoever needed medical attention finally hit the big jackpot!
While I was outside I noticed a casino outside called Sasquatch. I was intrigued and I went to check it out. It is a very small place with only slots. Once you walk into the doors, there is a giant Sasquatch with a sign to rub its butt for good luck! Not looking to make the gambling goods angry I eagerly rubbed the furry arse in hopes of finding my way to luck.
It was time to get back to the Saratogo where my dad was waiting to start his blackjack play. I decided to stop in for a quick restroom break. When I approached the restroom I noticed and interesting sign that I have not seen the likes of in Texas. Perhaps it was a sign that I truly was back in Colorado!
I went to the tables to check on my dad and he was waiting on me start our play. We both bought in to have the cards dealt. With in twenty minutes I had one a total of one hand and lost over half my buy in. The next hour did not get better as I did one more buy in, and never did get one blackjack. My dad fared a little better than me, but not much. The only difference is that his money was out on the table longer than mine dreamed of. It turned out the rubbing on Sasquatch was not such a wise move.
After busting out, I left my dad to see if I could track down my mom. She is a dedicated slot person who swears she has a method to her madness. Personally I think playing slots is pure madness, but it seems to make her happy. After swimming through an army of blue hairs I was able to track down my smiling mom at a one arm bandit. She was happy because she had hit several considerable jackpots and was doing very well for herself. Perhaps their is something to her method. After all, I played perfect basic strategy on the game with the best odds in the house and I got nothing!
It was time to head back home to prepare the big feast for the night. A good friend named Janet back home got me hooked on sprinkling coffee on my steaks. I don't even like the taste of coffee, but it does make the steak taste incredible and extremely tender. I decided that it was time to let my family in the on the secret.
My sister and her family came over for dinner and we all enjoyed the coffee steaks and had a great time hanging out and laughing. My nephew Garrett received an award at school for being on the honor roll. He is a senior in high school and about to graduate. He has mapped out his plan to go to fire school. This summer he will take his EMT course. This is the first step to reaching his goal. I, like all my family, am really proud of this kid!
The nights ended with me going to bed a very early hour after an adventurous day!
Day One:
The day started off with its usual business of getting the girls ready for school. I had a hard time concentrating on the task at hand with my eager anticipation of preparing to travel to what I like to call the Great White North (Colorado). Pam, being in line to win the spouse of the year award, has granted me sometime off to visit the family for some much needed rest and relaxation!
I made the girls a nice breakfast so they could be properly fueled and ready to take the what the great state of Texas has determined to be a critical piece of educating the future, the STAAR test. With the girls well fed, I gave them my love, wished them luck and dropped them off at school so they could show the state how much they have learned.
I had a half day of work ahead of me and I knew going in that it would be fast and furious since I had a lot to do before I caught my flight. I was able to get it all done and was off to the airport. One of the bonuses of living in Midland is that you can get to the airport an hour before your flight and be good to go. Yesterday I arrived 45 minutes prior to leaving. I walked right up, checked my bag and was able to walk through security without waiting behind one person. It was looking like the travel gods were shining on me for my travel.
Both my flights were great and on time. When I arrived in Denver I called my dad to let him know that I would meet him at passenger pickup. He didn't answer. I called again, and no answer. I called my mom with the same result. I started to get worried about them and was questioning if I should have taken a cab? I finally got a hold of them and they were still driving to the airport. Relief came over me. My ADHD started to kick in after being on a plane for a long time so I decided to take the rare selfie and send it to my siblings and nephew to announce that their favorite brother/uncle had arrived safely. For some odd reason, that did not respond to my message!
My parents finally arrived and we were off to eat some dinner. We decided that we would got to the New York Deli News. This is an oldie but a goodie located in southeast Denver. If you love a good deli sandwich than this is a must for you. Not only do you get all you can eat pickles, but the portions are absolutely huge to have. I ordered a french dip sandwich and loved every bite. I could only eat half of it before I was completely stuffed!
It was great to sit down and catch-up with my parents. While we were talking, I had a surprise visitor! My sister Katie had indeed received my text and knew that she needed to see her favorite little brother. She did a beeline from work to come meet up with us just to give me a kiss and tell me how excited that she was that I was in town! Katie looked great and it was fun to catch up with her as well.
Everyone enjoyed their meal. We were full of deli meat from the sandwiches and full of love from the visit. On a scale of 1-5 pickles, my dad gave the New York Deli News a solid 4 1/2 eaten pickles!
After dinner we were off to my parents house for one of my favorite all time activities. Watching the Cubs play with my dad. We grew up watching them play and I still miss those days. This past Christmas we decided that we needed to get my dad the MLB baseball package so he could see all the Cubs games on TV. He has enjoyed it, especially since the Cubs are playing well so far this year! We watched the game and told stories of past players and games we watched. Even though the Cubs lost, it was an exciting game to watch. Even with the lost, my heart was full with getting to spend time with the family!
Day 2 started off earlier after a great nights sleep in the Embassy Suites. When I travel out of town I always try to stay in a Hilton hotel. I like their beds, their award program and the breakfast they provide. My go-to hotel inside the Hilton chain is the Embassy Suites, especially when travel with family. It is always nice to have an extra room when your the only male traveler in a close knit pack of females.
I got up before Pam and the girls and went downstairs so I would not wake them while they slept. We were in no hurry since our plans for the day involved going to the last Rangers spring training game of the year. The game didn't start until 1:10, so the girls would have sometime to enjoy resting their weary legs after the marathon walk we called Six Flags!
I went to the work out room in the hotel. Their was nobody there, and I was thankful. I didn't want anyone else to witness the pain I was about to endure. Fellow blog writer, Jaime Cole, author of My 27 Cents Worth had decided last week that she would send out an Abs of April challenge. Pam and I decided to take Jaime up on her challenge. Pam wanted to take on the challenge because she already has washboard abs that she would like to keep up. I went for the challenge because my current abs of flabs may not impress the woman folk when I hit the pool this summer.
Each day the challenge puts the stomach through a gut wrenching workout that makes my abs burn like a thousand suns scorching down on the hottest desert known to man. This workout would be no different! With each crunch, burpee, and spider lunge I would let out a curse directed toward Midland and at a specific fellow blogger who shall remain nameless. After twenty five minutes of ab tormenting hell, I was done with my torture for the day.
I decided that I would grab a bite to eat and read the paper since the girls were still in a slumber. One of the main reasons I give the nod to Embassy Suites is for their breakfast spread. I like hot food, not the continental crap that many hotels serve. Embassy suites provides omelets and eggs cooked to order. This was perfect for my diet. I bypassed my usual biscuits and gravy and opted for a veggie omelet and a big bowl of fresh fruit. As always the food was delicious and I enjoyed some quiet me time while I read the paper and drank my juice. On a scale of one-to-five eggs, I gave the breakfast 4 1/2 eggs cooked just right!
I headed back to the room after breakfast to check on the girls. Pam had just woken up and we spent a few moments laying out the game plan for the rest of the day. While the girls got up, Pam decided it was her turn to keep the abs looking good. I coached her on as she completed the workout without much more than a few quick gasps for air! Personally I am glad I got up early to do my workout. I wouldn't want Pam thinking that she was married to a man that winced after each crunch!
The girls started to get up and were ready for some food. We all headed down together. I played the role of getting all the drinks and food for Delaney. Pam and AK got in their separate lines to get their food. Delaney went for her favorite Fruit Loops and a bowl of fruit. We waited at the table for the rest to join. It was a nice breakfast as we sat around and reminisced about the day before and our favorite part. When Delaney was asked what her best memory was she responded "Just being together as a family!" Pam and I beamed with pride on the fine daughter we are raising, when AK interrupted the moment to tell us that Delaney was just being a suck up!
After breakfast we headed back to the room so the girls could get their swimsuits on. We still had a couple of hours to kill before the game, so it was decided that we would have the girls burn off some excess energy in the pool. Pam convinced me that Jaime's program was indeed working, and it was time to give the world a sneak peak at the sculpture that was being created. I agreed and headed to the hot tub with her to soothe my old aching body.
The pool is indoors so it was well heated. The girls spent most of their time playing various pool games while Pam and I soothed our forty year old bones. We enjoyed the hot tub and discussed our summer vacation and the fun destinations it may take the family.
Checkout was a breeze and we were off to the game. Pam decided that the girls needed Rangers shirts for the game. She suggested we stop at a Wal-mart to see if they would have any. AK found a shirt and Delaney conned Pam into getting a new friend. Just like the zoo a few weeks earlier, Pam could not resist Delaney's pretty little smile when asking for another stuffed animal.
It was a perfect day for baseball. We were excited to see the last spring training game of the year, with what is left of the Rangers fans after a bad season the year before. I think I counted 300 fans give or take a few. I am not a Rangers fan, but I do enjoy watching baseball. Oddly enough this would be my third spring training game watching the Rangers this year.
While we walked through the gate we saw the statue of the great Nolan Ryan. It only seemed fair to pay him a visit and get a picture since he is after all one of the all time greatest pitchers ever!
Being the frugal baseball fans that we are, Pam decided it would be best to buy us some nose bleed seats up in the Uecker area. Once we walked in we realized that our $10 tickets were going to get us any seat in the house. I decided that we would sit in left field just behind the fence. I have seen many baseball games in my life. It is my personal belief that the best seats in the stadium are in the outfield. I like the view of watching the game happening in front of me. I also picked the seats because I knew that we would have a great shot at getting a home run ball.
I may not be a Ranger fan, but I do appreciate the field they play on. It was originally called The Ball Park In Arlington. That is how I will remember it and what I still call it. It has changed names several times in the past. I know this brings in revenue for the team, but I do miss the original names stadiums use to have. I loved playing guess the stadium name in junior high with Brett and Tony back when you could actually know the names. Now I would be lucky to name ten in all of baseball.
The game was fun to watch and Pam started to realize that AK's food timer was about to go off. She grabbed AK in search of nachos since we didn't have enough carnival cheese to gum up our systems the day before. While she was away, an nice older man came down and started to talk to us. He was an usher and was telling me about batting practice earlier and how he had got the first home run of the season at batting practice. He than started to talk to Delaney. He told her how much fun it was to go to a baseball game with her dad. The next thing I know he pulled out his home run ball and handed it to Delaney. He said that he wanted her to have it! Delaney's first home run ball, and she didn't even have to catch it. Poor Tony, who will turn 40 in less than a month has spent endless games chasing the dream of getting a ball at a game, and here Delaney just had to put on a smile!
The family thoroughly enjoyed watching some baseball, but like all good things it came to an end. We had to head off to Abilene for another quick visit with BobBob and dinner at his house. The good news is that BobBob was able to get out of the hospital on Friday. When we arrived he was sitting in his favorite chair doing his favorite thing, watching sports! It was great to see old BobBob out of the hospital and in his own house.
BJ made us an amazing roast for dinner. We scarfed down our home cooked meal like a pack of mangy dogs on a bone. After all, we had only had junk food all weekend long, and it was wonderful having food that was actually meant to go into the body!
We visited awhile and loaded back up in the car for the last leg of the journey home. After 350 miles in a car that was having issues after Rogers Ford said it was fixed, several bags of chips, lots of water bottles, two stuffed animals won at Six Flags, one stuffed animal bought because Pam can't resist Delaney's cute smile, countless nacho chips and gallons of carnival nachos cheese, one home run ball, and abs of flabs slowing turning into abs of steel; The Desparrois family rolled into Midland at 10:00 just in time to get ready for Easter Sunday!
Pam and I have had a hectic week with work, dealing with car troubles, and the usual of running the girls around to their various sporting events. So to make our life a little more hectic, we decided that a trip to Dallas would be in order. Pam's grandpa, BobBob has had a rough go lately and has found himself back in the hospital. Pam decided that it would be nice for us to leave a day earlier and go visit him in Abilene and spend the night.
We rode into Abilene in time to see BobBob and BJ in the hospital and bring them some dinner. After a nice meal and visiting with him a while we headed back to their house for a relaxing nights rest and to prepare for the big trip to Dallas. Pam's Aunt Jaye Nan has also been in town and helping out with BobBob being sick. It was also nice to catch up with her for.
Pam and I were both up earlier as neither of us slept much. Maybe it was the ultimate comfortable full size bed that we both jockeyed over position for; or maybe it was our pure excitement of getting to spend an entire day at Six Flags waiting in long lines to jostle our middle-aged bodies around on rides we should not be on while we pretend to be enthusiastic for the girls. Either way we pushed the girls to get ready so we could embark upon our adventure!
Being the one that wears the smart hat, Pam decided that we needed to load up on protein before we set out on the road. Since Chick-fil-A was close, we decided to get a to-go order so we could put the hurry up offense into full effect. The only issue was that Chick-fil-A did not hold up to its usual quick service as spent over 30 minutes waiting for our food. Once we got our food we pushed the girls into the car and were on our way!
The ride was uneventful other than the discovery that the car troubles that we have spent several days dealing with, will continue to have to be dealt with once we return. Beware Roger's Ford! You have officially made the Mama Bear mad. After a long winter of hibernating, it was unwise to wake her!
We finally arrived to Six Flags to discover that 96% of the rest of the population of Texas had the same idea as us. Luckily Pam had brought season passes the following year and the cut down on waiting in line to get in. We now would just have to wait in line for all the rides. While walking through the gate we were handed a brochure. Pam looked at me and gave me the nod knowing full well that we were headed to the parent of the year award since we now had official directions on how to get it.
I decided that we needed to hit one of the bigger rides first. The theory behind this idea was that the line would be shorter earlier in the day than it would be later on. So it was off to the Texas Giant to kick off our day of fun and amusement. It turns out that my idea was not one of my better ones since we officially had one ride under our belt after waiting in line for an hour an a half.
Being the motherly type that Pam is, she could tell the girls were starting to get cranky. The number one rule of thumb with the girls is that when they get their grumpy britches on it is time to feed them. Pam sprinted off to the local snack shack to get a pretzel with carnival cheese, a churro and the $20 refillable soda cup. Nothing makes parents happier than spending a bunch of money on their kids to see them smile with glee. We were tickled pink with AK's excitement!
After fueling up, the girls wanted another roller coaster ride. We waited in another long line to go on a roller coaster that was entirely inside and in the dark. The girls loved it and both Pam and I felt our brains were a little on the scrambled side. Pam had a great suggestion of having the girls go on a water ride alone. This allowed us to sit for awhile. It turns out the AK just needed to be soaking wet on a 70 degree day with the wind blowing to be happy!
With two soaking wet girls we made our way to several other rides only to find that they needed more fuel. Since we didn't get enough carnival cheese early, Pam decided we needed nachos and another pretzel. While she was in line AK saw the ultimate prize hanging and she knew that she had to try the ring toss so she could win Rigo a dream come true!
Unfortunately AK's ring tossing came up short and Rigo would have to wait another day for his prize. As the rides wore us down, Pam I found ourselves slowing up and wanting to leave. But Delaney was having no part of that idea. We dug into our old bag of tricks and we reverted to what all the great parents do, bribery! We decide to let them play some more expensive games and go on another ride before we called it a day. On the way out we were met by some super hero's for a final picture.
Starving and needing some none carnival food Pam drove us towards Steak n' Shake. We normally love some Steak n' Shake, but today they were off their game. Not only did it take a long time to get our food, but they messed up my order twice with no apology or a visit from the manager. I finally gave up and told them to forget my food. Boo on you Steak n' Shake. Your poor food preparation and lack of customer service has left me with no choice but to give you a low rating. On a scale of one to five sips of a milk shake, you earned one sip followed by a belch!
We went to check into the hotel so the girls could chill out at the pool and we could relax a bit. After eating carnival food all day, unlimited amounts of soda with our $20 cup, walking at least seven miles, waiting in lines no less than four hours, feeling dizzy, sick and roughed up from the rides, the Desparrois family crashed after being exhausted from a day of fun!