Friday, April 24, 2015

Colorado Solo Trip: Day Two!

Day Two!

The day started off early for being on vacation. My mom gets up early and I like to get up and visit with her. The plan for the day was to go do some gambling in Blackhawk later in the morning. We had to wait for my dad to get ready, so I decided that I would go for a run around their neighborhood.

I have not been very good about running lately, but I knew I was going to be eating some great food while I was in Denver. Running at my parents house is much more difficult than running back in Midland. My knees prefer the flat land of Midland compared to the rolling hills in Colorado. Oxygen seems to be in abundance in Midland, where Colorado considerably lacks what your body needs most to survive! 

With each addition step on my run, my knees ached, and my heart pounded begging to take its last beat from lack of oxygen! The mile felt like ten and I was ready for it to be done. After the run I did a abs workout and retired to take a long hot shower.

We headed up to Blackhawk for a fun day of money risk management. As you know from past adventures I like to gamble from time-to-time. I get this bug from my parents who have also been known to partake in a  game of chance or two. The drive up was beautiful as always. There is lots of snow melt, which made waterfalls throughout the foothills and absolutely spectacular sight to see.

When we arrived we decided that we were hungry so we went to the Saratoga Cafe. This is a favorite for my parents as they often get comps for it and the food is good eating. I love this place because as a chili consumer, I can honestly say that they have the hands down best I have ever had. Our meal was great! On a scale of 1-5, my dad gave it the rare but well deserved score of five crackers to dip in the delicious meal!

After getting our grub on it was time to get down to the reason we were there! On our way out of the restaurant we noticed several emergency vehicles. I told my dad that I was going to check out what was going on and I would meet him at the tables. When I went outside I asked a guy on the street if he knew what happened. He said he didn't, but maybe whoever needed medical attention finally hit the big jackpot! 

 While I was outside I noticed a casino outside called Sasquatch. I was intrigued and I went to check it out. It is a very small place with only slots. Once you walk into the doors, there is a giant Sasquatch with a sign to rub its butt for good luck! Not looking to make the gambling goods angry I eagerly rubbed the furry arse in hopes of finding my way to luck.

It was time to get back to the Saratogo where my dad was waiting to start his blackjack play. I decided to stop in for a quick restroom break. When I approached the restroom I noticed and interesting sign that I have not seen the likes of in Texas. Perhaps it was a sign that I truly was back in Colorado!

I went to the tables to check on my dad and he was waiting on me start our play. We both bought in to have the cards dealt. With in twenty minutes I had one a total of one hand and lost over half my buy in. The next hour did not get better as I did one more buy in, and never did get one blackjack. My dad fared a little better than me, but not much. The only difference is that his money was out on the table longer than mine dreamed of. It turned out the rubbing on Sasquatch was not such a wise move.

After busting out, I left my dad to see if I could track down my mom. She is a dedicated slot person who swears she has a method to her madness. Personally I think playing slots is pure madness, but it seems to make her happy. After swimming through an army of blue hairs I was able to track down my smiling mom at a one arm bandit. She was happy because she had hit several considerable jackpots and was doing very well for herself. Perhaps their is something to her method. After all, I played perfect basic strategy on the game with the best odds in the house and I got nothing!

It was time to head back home to prepare the big feast for the night. A good friend named Janet back home got me hooked on sprinkling coffee on my steaks. I don't even like the taste of coffee, but it does make the steak taste incredible and extremely tender. I decided that it was time to let my family in the on the secret.

My sister and her family came over for dinner and we all enjoyed the coffee steaks and had a great time hanging out and laughing. My nephew Garrett received an award at school for being on the honor roll. He is a senior in high school and about to graduate. He has mapped out his plan to go to fire school. This summer he will take his EMT course. This is the first step to reaching his goal. I, like all my family, am really proud of this kid! 

The nights ended with me going to bed a very early hour after an adventurous day!

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