The day started out extra early as I was still on Texas time and have not quite adjusted to Vegas time. I quietly got up and went downstairs to write up the days report and to get Pam her daily fuel of Starbucks. When I returned Pam had already gotten up and showered. After I did the same, we headed down for another comped Buffet. The food was hot, quick and tasty. Of course everything always tastes better when it's free!
We had to check out of our room and get Pam to the Excalibur Spa. I had gotten her a day at the spa for our anniversary a couple of weeks ago. I figured that not only would it put me ahead as the better spouse, but it would also allow me to head to South Point Casino and put some hours in at the tables.
I played some blackjack and made some sports bets. My parlay got crushed for the day, but I did make a futures bet on the Broncos taking it all this year. Interesting enough I made the bet before Tom Brady's suspension was upheld. Needless to say, I got some good odds as they changed after the announcement.
After a break-even Blackjack session at the South Point I headed back to the Excalibur to pick up my new and improved wife. She texted me to let me know that she was not quite done having strangers rub her down and that it would be another thirty minutes. With nothing to do, I sat down and had a wild ride on the tables that fluctuated to almost losing almost doubling it...and finally, to breaking even by the time Pam finished up at the spa. I realized that I really need to gamble with my trusty partner, Pam, as she sets what we call a Stop Loss or a Stop Win.

Mainstreet Station was first on the list. It's a classy joint downtown that I have always liked to play at. I hit my win stop and cashed in. Pam was still trying to hit hers so I put some money in a Wheel of Fortune machine and had a couple big hits and turned my very low buy-in for a mighty profit! The Mainstreet has a restroom that has a chunk of the Berlin Wall that is behind the urinals. It's pretty neat to see and even cooler to take literally be able to piss on what Ronald Reagan deemed the "Evil Empire"!
The gambling gods had taken a break while we were downtown and the cards turned cold. After an extensive unsuccessful search for a Rigo, we decided that it was time to head out and check in to the Red Rock Hotel and Casino. Before we left we walked by a small casino we had never been in. Pam wanted to stop, and the next thing I knew we were stuffing our faces again with a fried Twinkie and three White Castle burgers. This is probably the worst thing you can put in you stomach, but we were sad that our search for the elusive Rigo had once again come up short. All we could do was console each other with fried goodness!
While driving out to Red Rocks are little rental car, Sparky decided that he wanted to stall right in front of the hotel. Luckily it started right back up and were able to make it to our destination. Just another reason on why we will not being using Budget again.
I got the guts to try the twenty dollar trick when checking in. The Vegas lore is that if you tip them at check-in and ask for an upgrade they will assign you to a suite. The lady just laughed at me and told me to keep my money. With my pride a little wounded from being turned down, and my feet sore searching for a Rigo I was ready to call it a night. Pam was not going to have any of that! She simply would not allow me to waste valuable gambling time by sitting around a hotel room. She demanded I take a shower and wash away feeling sorrow for myself. I still was not convinced and than Pam said something that made Vegas the place that it is today. She said "What would Jonathan do?" Without a doubt, Jonathan would gamble no matter how tired he was!
I showered and headed down to the tables to join my wife at what we do best! We stayed at the same table for several hours. The free comped drinks flowed as the money stacked in Pam's favor. The whole table stayed together, and we were having a great time! I stayed even but Pam tripled her initial buy-in. Since we were on a heater we decided to play what we call a BobBob. We named it after Pam's grandpa who never met a five dollar slot machine he didn't like. Pam found a Wheel of Fortune game that she says called her from the other side of the casino and put in money for our BobBob play. BobBob would be proud as we tripled that our money in just a few spins.
It was late, and once again, we were hungry. Pam had asked and received a free comp at The Cafe. It was great as Pam ordered us enough food to spend down the comp. The late night food hit the spot, and we were ready to get some rest for another fun day of taking down Vegas and the quest to find us the Rigo, who we thought would be in Vegas!
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